This is Her Story of Peace, Love, and Strength

I'm Thankful For….

First of all, Halloween was sooo much fun! I went trick or treating with my friends Kassidy, Zoe, Sage, Sophia, Eli, and me! I dressed up as a pirate. It was so cool, I had a fake lip ring, a gun, black lipstick and the famous Jack Sparrows pirate hat! Thinking about the fact that Im still getting used to walking everywhere, I thought I did really good considering how far we walked. Don’t forget, a lot of people have stairs leading up to their doors! I was definitely sore, but it was really good for me to do that. At the end of trick or treating there was a haunted house on one of the streets we went down, we stopped to see it… I’t was kinda cheesy:) but the people dressed up as zombies somehow had what looked like blood pouring from their mouth!! I thought that was cool.

The rest of the week was pretty normal. But then the  weekend came and brought a big snowstorm! My family and I went sledding! I was actually really scared at first, because Im not supposed to do contact sports so if I fell really hard that would be bad! Also, I hadn’t been sledding in a really long time, and the hill looked steep! I used a regular sled and a snurf board! Snurfing was probably the most fun out of all. It’s snowboarding, longboarding, and sledding all at the same time! That night, I went and had sushi with my family….. Mom, Dad, Andrea, Amy, Rosie, Jonah, Eli, Lily, Sage, and I all had so much fun! Even though Amy and Sage aren’t family, I still count them as family because they are two pretty awesome people. But I guess I should call everyone I know my family then, because everyone has been so awesome, kind, supportive, and many other things to me for the past couple months. After sushi, we all went and had ice cream for desert at Baskin Robins!

Now on to this week! Tuesday, Wednesday, and today actually, was ERB testing at my school! I didn’t have to do them! Actually, I probably will…. but not this week! This also means that I got to sleep in on Tuesday and Wednesday! Oh YA! On tuesday I had a workout  with Paul, and it was actually really fun! We did the exercise where I would run and Paul would try to hit me with different sized yoga balls. But since I’m not the best at running at the moment, it was really hard for me, but REALLY fun!! Then on wednesday, I had an appointment with Marlene! I love going to get massages.  We watched a movie last night called ‘House of the Flying Daggers’ it was really good. Oh, and one last thing, yesterday, I got new pants because my mom thinks all my pants are ugly:) She says they are to small, and maybe they are, but isn’t it supposed to be good that I’m getting my muscle back!:) After I got out of the hospital, I had to get new pants because I was so skinny, they would fall right off!

For today, I have one word. Clinics. 🙂 I had clinics all day and basically everything looks great! Dr E decreased two of my meds YAY!!! And I don”t have to go back until after Thanksgiving.

I finished my book today, called Eyes of the Emperor. I read it on my kindle. Im kind of getting used to the kindle, but I still love having the book in my hand. The kindle is definitely good for traveling. So anyways, now I caught you up.



Things I’m Grateful for:

Skype: Im extremely grateful for the fact that I can Skype into my classes, because if I couldn’t I probably wouldn’t pass 7th grade. And honestly, I don’t want to spend my 7th grade with 6th graders:) I’d rather stay with the people I’ve gone to school with my whole life!


Paco: I LOVE my dog! Ya, sometimes he can be a pain, but I don’t know what I would do without him! He sits with me all day, he makes me laugh my head off, and I think it’s really awesome when he gets so excited to see us come home from anywhere. He gets himself so worked up that he starts sneezing and can’t stop!


Popcorn: It’s seems kind of weird, but Im addicted! Not the movie theater popcorn though! My mom has a popcorn popper and she cooks the kernells in coconut oil! It’s soo delicious! It’s probably not the best, but I eat it during class all the time! Paco also loves popcorn! We’re popcorn eating buddies!


Books: I love reading! Sometimes when Im having a hard day and I don’t feel like talking to anybody or I just want to be alone, I read. I always have and hopefully will.


My Heart Friends: It’s really nice to be able to read about and talk to my heart friends because they know exactly what I’m going through and  at least for me, they are a big help when things get hard. I like to joke around with them. Like the other day, Maya and I had a pill taking party!!


My Family: There are no words to explain how awesome it is to wake up every morning and see my family. To get to have breakfast and dinner with them, and to spend time with them! Last weekend I got to go sledding with them!! I mean, how cool is that? You really don’t realize what you’ve got until you almost lose it…


Holidays: I LOVE the holidays! Especially Thanksgiving and Christmas! I like Thanksgiving because, first, you get to eat a lot! Second, the whole family gets together and parties! I love Christmas because, again, the whole family gets together, we have big christmas dinners, my dad’s side of the family does secret santas every year on christmas eve, I love putting up the Christmas tree, snowball fights (except those can be kind of dangerous sometimes…), Snow, and of course Christmas morning:)


My Cardiac Team: Everyone one on my team has been awesome.  Without them I would not have lived. I’m truly grateful for them.


Mikey Fetzer: I will always be grateful for Mikey’s gift of life. He gave me a second chance at life and I will NEVER stop thanking him and his family.




Comments on: "I'm Thankful For…." (11)

  1. mia, you said >>Im still getting used to walking everywhere, I thought I did really good considering how far we walked. Don’t forget, a lot of people have stairs leading up to their doors! I was definitely sore, but it was really good for me to do that.<<

    and that's a small sampling of what it will be like when you're old, like your dad. sore. ouch. keep on moving!

    it looks like you're putting your birthday present (macbook) to good use. keep on reading, keep on writing, keep on living!

    enjoy your family, this holiday season, and many, many more to come.

    love and happy thanksgiving to all of you
    from diane, brian, aryana, and emilio

  2. Hi Mia,

    I’ve chatted with your dad a bit on Facebook and wanted to say hello to you myself finally. I’m 34 and also was diagnosed with Giant Cell Myocarditis. That was on December 2009. I had a heart transplant on January 15th, 2010. When I was in the hospital, no one could believe how young I was, but my GOODNESS, girl, you take the age prize on this one, I think.

    I love the sound of your Skype pill-taking parties. You are surrounded by wonderful people; it is obvious.

    Looking forward to more of your fabulous updates!


  3. Oh Mia, it is so wonderful to be able to read your posts and get to know you better. Your dog sneezes and my dog, Aries, literally screams (loud) and dances all over on her hind legs when we walk in the door. That is what unconditional love feels like and I know alot of people love you unconditionally…me included.

  4. vanessa hickey said:

    Hi Mia. My name is Vanessa. I am a 40 year old mom of 3 and I have Giant Cell Myocarditis as well. I went to the hospital exactly 1 month before you. I have made contact with a couple of other girls that got this disease at a young age too. I can get you in contact with them if you want. They are both teenagers. I haven’t had time to read a lot of your journals yet, but you sound like a pretty awesome kid. I especially like your list of what you are thankful for. Being so close to death can really make you appreciate all the good things in life more hu? I know it has made me. I am glad you are doing so well. I am doing well too. If you want to check out my caring bridge site it is Keep in touch.

  5. And we are so grateful to you, Mia. I think you’re going to grow up to be a famous writer. Keep the posts coming!
    p.s. keeping Mikey top on the list of things I’m thankful for.

  6. Aditi aggarwala said:

    May god always give you the strength to look at life the way you do now. Pray for your good health everyday.

    God bless you Mia. You are an amazingly brave soul. Keep it up.


  7. Hi Mia,
    My name is Abby. I am currently going through the process of getting on the heart transplant list. Dr. E is my heart failure doc and Dr. Kaza is my surgeon. Any advice? I LOVE reading too and I like Taylor Swift. I’m 11 and in 6th grade. We aren’t sure when my transplant will be but know I will need one some time in the future. I like reading your posts and it’s nice to get to know you.

  8. Corinne Anderson said:

    Mia, You and your family are truly amazing! I am grateful that my life has been touched by yours. Thank you for the reminders of just how much there is to LOVE about life!
    May you have so much fun during the Holidays with your family and friends:)

  9. Your posts make me so happy, Mia!
    I’m thankful for you & your family:)

  10. bonnie martineau said:

    mia, don’t forget…tomorrow is 11/11/11 and at 11:11 AM and PM it will be 11/11/11 11:11


    Reading your posts makes me love EVERYTHING a little bit more!


  11. Quincy Jackson said:

    that’s awesome 🙂
    and hey my dog does that too!!! when we come home he starts sneezing like crazy!!!!
    hahaha pretty silly!!!!


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