This is Her Story of Peace, Love, and Strength

So today I had Clinics… I hate getting up early!! Hate It!:) Anyways everything was good and clear. I would probably say I don’t like the eco more than the blood draw. I’m always scared that everything will be fine and then before you know it the doctors are coming back from the eco lab saying your heart function is off…. Hasn’t happened yet, but some of my heart friends have had that happen, and it’s probably really scary or at least makes you a little nervous.

Today was also one of my favorite cousins b-day!!!! (even though all my cousins are my favorite:) So, after clinics we went to have lunch with my grandparents and Emi and Lucy! Happy Birthday Emi!! I love you! After lunch we all went down to Nordstroms and Emi got some really cute shoes from our grandma, Nanny Sue. Of course I found some shoes I just HAD to have:):):):)

And after long weeks of waiting, I had a ‘Make a Wish’ appointment!!! I had a really good time!! So far my #1 wish is to go to the summer olympics in London and see soccer and tae kwon do matches!! You don’t always get your first wish! But, as Krista would say, “Go Big! or Go Home!”…. so, I asked for the olympics!  🙂  My #2 choice is to visit the Vancouver Marine Aquarium and work with the dolphins, beluga whales, etc.  My #3 choice is to give my Wish to my friend Kendra.  We don’t know when we’ll find out which wish/choice I get.  No matter what, I’m excited and very lucky. And very thankful.

Not a super long post… sorry, but just thought I would post!!

Have a good weekend everyone!

I just want to say thanks to everyone for all your love and support.  And especially to all my friends for not treating me differently whenever I see them.  For treating me like  nothing ever happened. Like I’m normal, just me.




Comments on: "Clinics, Birthdays, and Make a Wish!" (5)

  1. Janice & Bob Brickey said:

    Hi sweet Mia!
    We’ve just read read your Oct. 28 journal entry, and we are SO touched by your desire for Kendra to have your third wish. – Such a loving and unselfish thought, and it just adds to the many reasons that we love you so much! You have always been a kind, loving, helpful and unselfish girl, and it makes us so happy and proud to be your grandparents!
    And we’re happy that you’re working on making that lemonade! – I could go on and on, but it would be much better to talk in person, so we’ll DO it!
    With much, much love – Grammy & Grandpa Bob

  2. Mia it is so wonderful to hear from you on your posts. WOW! What an inspiration you and your family are! Changing so many peoples lives with how you are choosing to look at and live your new life.

    I am very moved by your honesty about how some days you wonder why, why, why, and then you come back to the gratitude and vision of the bigger picture of your life, and know that there is a deeper reason and purpose to all of this than what anyone can see. I personally know that the love and light of Mia Bella Brickey is spreading across the world a vibe that is extraordinary and divine!

    Thank you for making lemonade out of the lemons and letting us all share in the drink;) Whenever you are up for it we would love to come and see you.

    Love the “Magic” Wands

  3. Hi Mia,
    I have to say your posts are more fun to read than your dad’s (sorry Tom ;))

    Glad you are writing and that your friends are being cool about everything. I can’t wait to read more from the mind of MiaBella!

  4. kami kahler said:

    Hello Miss Mia,
    It has been awhile I miss you beautiful face. But I was sick. I am so proud of you! You and Mikey have a big heart! I am going to pick some apples and make you my special apple pie, I bet you will love it! Thanks for the updates, I saw your dad yesterday he is a happy man! As is your Mom. We here all love you guys big as the world!! I am happy your clinics went well! Keep it that way! Know you are always with us! Lots of love and hugs! (glad you got new shoes) Much Love!!

  5. your last paragraph sums it up, mia! props to your friends, and to you for knowing how special they are. because you are.

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