This is Her Story of Peace, Love, and Strength

Notes from my journal

I’m 1 1/2  months out of the hospital and finally getting used to all the new changes. It used to be so many meds and rules  that I would cry with anger, and sadness. I would always ask, “Why did this happen? Why me?” But I’ve realized that life is an adventure and without challenges wouldn’t life be boring? I mean, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Sometimes I do think to myself that what happened to me is really unfair, and I still think it is, but I also know that things happen for a reason. This whole thing has changed everybody in my family a lot.

A couple weeks ago I found out who my donner is. Mikey Fetzer. He had two older sisters and one younger brother. Im glad I got Mikey’s heart because I know he was a good boy, and I won’t let him down. Im so thankful for Mikeys heart! My body has physically changed a lot too. I have grown hair on my back, shoulders, and legs (well at least more than a regular 12 year old should…) I lost a lot of muscle so I go do work outs with Paul Holbrook and I get massages with Marlena. I’m Skyping into school right now, and people say “Oh thats so cool!” or “Fun!” and ya it’s fun, but I really want to go to school not just sit around all day. It’s not the same….. It is good though because I can focus on my homework a little better (even though I did before) and not worry about not having enough time… I also see my friends when we pick Eli up from school, but…… I really want to go back:)

I was emailing with Mikey’s big sister, Courtney, and I asked if Mikey liked apple pie. Because, before my transplant I HATED apple pie, but now I LOVE it! So I ask about it, and it turns out Mikey LOVED apple pie! Crazy! People would always ask if it was true that the donors feelings about foods would effect the recipient…… and I guess its true! Yesterday i had a work out and Paul made me skip for the first time, it was Really hard! I couldn’t even get off the ground!:) I’ll get there though.

I remember bits and pieces of being in the hospital like, when I spoke for the first time in front of my dad! He was so happy, and so was I. I remember Eli coming and watching movies with me sometimes, I remember my dad asking me if I was mad at him after he told me I had had a heart transplant, I remember saying yes. When I would have to wear this huge face mask and I hated it. I remember the night I went to the hospital for the very first time…… walking down the hall to the cathlabb and saying goodbye to my parents. I often find myself wondering what it would be like around here without me, but I dismiss that thought right away because it’ll be hard to get rid of me:)

Joey and Abby are doing fine with their new hearts, Maya is getting along, but is having some arrythimias in her heart, and hopefully her up coming cathlab will stop those. I’ve started Soo Bahk again and Im catching up! I can do a stretch kick above my head again, and also a Pi Chagi!!!!! I tried playing the trombone again but it’s really hard, Im still going to play it, but Im also starting the Bass Guitar.




Comments on: "Notes from my journal" (11)

  1. Holly Wyatt Rosse' said:

    Hi, Mia! It’s so nice to read your words! You are such an amazing girl and we have been following your journey. My kids are always asking to read your website and also wondering if they might someday meet you, you have inspired them and captured their hearts. We are continually praying for you!

  2. mia
    i remember my recovery from an accident that happened over 7 years ago. i know how it feels to wonder how long it will take to return to “normal” when there really is not a normal right now- or perhaps what was normal is no longer there.
    your wisdom and passion for this world, your life, your education and your family is incredibly inspiring to me- a 32 year old 7 years post-op (spinal and pelvic reconstruction similar to marty’s).
    you inspire me on the days i struggle.
    amazing one you are. for so many reasons.
    i think you met me for literally two minutes once, but i think of you all the time. i send you love, encouragement and strength.
    this may seem really silly, but i embroider lots of things, and have this awesome heart pattern- looks like a real heart! have been wanting to embroider it on something for you, but did not know if you would like it? if you are interested please let me know. (i am also sending this to your dad- maybe he can help me pick an item to stitch? a hoodie for the upcoming snow? a pillowcase?)
    you are an incredible young woman mia.

  3. Leslie, Frank, Jane and Owen Warren said:

    We moved from Salt Lake City to Portland about a year ago, but your dad used to be our dentist. Jane (7) and Owen (5 on Halloween) went to the dentist here in Portland, Oregon this morning, and the first thing they said when we left and got back in the car was: “Dr. Brickey was so much gooder!”
    We love what you wrote in your journal. Thank you so much for sharing it with everyone! You are a true inspiration – We hope we get to meet you some day. We really miss good ol’ SLC!
    Leslie, Frank, Jane and Owen Warren
    P.S. You are an amazing writer. I bet your teacher is proud!

  4. Mia, you are so awesome. Thank you so much for the update! Keep up the good work. You have made such amazing strides.

    My kids think you are pretty awesome too!

    Erica (Your dad’s assistant)

  5. What a great post Mia! Your honesty and strength are such an inspiration. I’m glad you’ve started Soo Bahk again and congrats on getting your Pi Chagi (I have no idea what that is, but it sounds awesome 😉

  6. it’s a beautiful thing to read your words, to hear from you, mia. you packed a lot of sentiment into that journal entry, and we’re thrilled you’re so … so … busy! trombone, bass guitar, skype and school, soo bahk … fantastic! perhaps you next like to learn to make an apple pie?? oh boy!
    have a great day and we’ll see you sometime ! xoxo

    diane, brian, aryana, and emilio

  7. This is wonderful, Mia, and I love you, madly! Thank you for being in our life … It wouldn’t be the same without you. But, I don’t have to tell you that.


  8. Bobbi Fetzer said:

    Thank you for taking good care of Mikey’s heart. He did like his apple pie! If you start really craving fried chicken well have to really talk! Some day you will gain your strength back and then you’ll and the piece of Mikey will take on the world!

  9. Heidi Reynaud said:

    Hi Mia! I loved reading your first journal entry. You are very good at writing. I think of you everyday, your strength through all of this amazes me. Thanks for being an inspiration. Kass misses you and we hope to see you on HAlloween!!
    xo, Heidi

  10. Quincy Jackson said:

    oh this is so cool!!!! I loved reading it with the backround music from your playlist ;). seriously that’s awesome and we can’t wait until your back at school too!

    I espicially like that last part of it ;).

    You rock! miss you!


  11. Darci Nix said:

    Mia- You are one amazing young lady! I’m always checking your website and was so happy to see that you posted something!! Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work and stay strong! We love you!

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